Sunday, February 9, 2025

American White Pelicans in Flight + One


These American White Pelicans were doing a nice series of turns, flying in formation that was amazing to watch while out birding near Laredo, Texas this past week. Actually, if you look closely, there is one interloper in the shot. Hard to see, but there is a Crested Caracara up near the top right.  Did you find him?

Saturday, February 1, 2025

On Top of the World


This shot takes my breath away. I meant that literally, as I could hardly breathe at the top of Breckinridge's Crystal Peak chair lift this past week. Why do we do these things to ourselves? Put on a ton of layers so you can barely move. Add in 30-pounds of ski boots and then remove most of the oxygen? Still, the view was worth it as was the fear of getting back down without killing yourself on a field of moguls that didn't look quite so frightening from the chair lift. LOL. Even so, had a great time. The weather was amazing and, while I would have liked some overnight snow, the conditions were just about perfect for a couple of days of skiing. I just wish that first day and a half didn't come with the mandatory headache from the lack of oxygen. Just climbing up a flight of stairs could cause vertigo. What fun!!!