Saturday, January 28, 2023

The variety--amazing!!!


Just a random Saturday looking out the backdoor and birds are everywhere. Such a variety at the three Davern feeder's today. A record for me. Never got 10 cardinals visiting at one time. They were everywhere. I rarely get any American Tree Sparrows and I got 6 visiting at the same time this morning (you count them all at once so you know you are not double counting). Dark-eye Junco's are here every day. Got 6 of them this morning (my record is 10). Got a visit from a somewhat, but not totally rare Red-bellied Woodpecker and a Blue Jay, who is also an infrequent visitor. However, I have a new flat top feeder and the Blue Jay's like them. Especially when you put unsalted peanuts out. The swallow them whole. (No teeth.) We got our daily allotment of American Goldfinches (10), House Sparrows (just 5 this morning), House Finches (2), Mourning Doves (6) and European Starlings (5) also made their appearances. Can't forget my 4 fat backyard squirrels that catch all of the seeds tossed to the ground by the birds. 

Quite the backyard party going on out there, eating me out of seed. Another trip to the bird store is on order for later today. The only rare visitor I didn't get was a White-throated Sparrow. Saw a couple a few weeks ago and now gone again. Maybe they will be back. Anyway, great morning of activity. Now I have to get some work done....