Saturday, November 16, 2019

Flower Power, New York City

Lately, when visiting New York City,  I have been staying in the flower district, which I think is part of the Chelsea neighborhood. The flower district is just one block, I think, around 28th Street between 6th and 7th. I find it interesting that in our modern society, New York City still has a touch of the old world in it. You have a diamond district, a flower district, a theater supply district, a clothing district, etc. You walk on this one street and all the stores are selling versions of the same thing. Very strange and charming. So, when I am in New York, this is what I see when I step out of my hotel. All the wares from all the stores come out on the sidewalk, making it hard to walk, but everything comes out in the morning and back in to the store in the evening. It is a strange ritual and involves a lot of discussion in strange languages. Shot taken from a trip I did a couple of weeks ago.