Sunday, January 26, 2020

Stephen Davern and Southside Jake

As I posted on Facebook, I was blown away by Stephen Davern and his band, Dark Passengers who I saw play at the Irish American Heritage Center for an event that Stephen created, Cash for Kids, Chicago's Only Johnny Cash Festival, to support Pediatric Cancer. What an amazing event. I have seen Stephen play many times before, but never with his full band. In this picture, Southside Jake appeared with Stephen's band to sing a new song that they created while hanging at Davern's Tavern. As Stephen said, my brother has a talent for putting people together.

I have to relate another story about last night. The Irish American Heritage Center is inside an old high school and the event reminded me so much of being back in school. The hallways were crowded. There was beer all over the place. Outside, the cool kids were smoking and there was the smell of weed here and there among the crowd. Wow. Those sights and smells really brought me back to the 1970's. LOL.