Thursday, July 16, 2020

Three Visitors

I am doing a lot of work sitting outside while the weather is nice. Great place to work and the commute is short. So, I decided to step up our backyard bird feeder. Three species here: On top is the House Finch with the red head. They seem very common but I am embarrassed to say that I have never seen one before. Or I just never noticed. All the small birds just looked like sparrows to me!!! Speaking of sparrows, there are two House Sparrows on the middle rungs, which are very common but the third bird lower, sitting on the plate, I don't know. Much grayer than the brown sparrows. The second shot below almost shows a slight hint of yellow on the wings. The chest has lines where the sparrows are one color. I can't seem to find a match in the bird books. Any suggestions?

You can't really see the hint of yellow in this shot but in others, there is the slightest yellow in the wings. Anyway, don't know what bird that is.