Sunday, August 16, 2020

A New Visitor


We got two new visitors to the bird feeder this week. The first, shown here is a Black Capped Chickadee who loves to hit the feeder, grab a seed and skirt off to a tree limb to eat it. If you are not watching closely (and what else do I have to do between conference calls and emails from work?) you could mistake the little chickadee for a male House Sparrow, which also has a black bib under his chin. But this little one has some faint orange and blue coloring and a strong black cap on his head. They often feed sideways or even upside down on a tree. Thanks for buddy Bill Pavlecic for coming over for a socially distant beer and helping me with the ID. After a couple of days where "he" (I am not sure of the sexes here, as the males and females look the same) just stopped for a quick seed, the Chickadee is now a frequent visitor. Good to have a new visitor. Look for another new visitor in tomorrow's post.