Saturday, April 24, 2021

Mossy Green


A bit of Mossy Green here to reflect strong colors but the reason I am posting this is that I saw a very similar shot on the front cover of Chicago Magazine. They focused on the crossed trees in their shot (I have a version of that shot as well) and it was so close to my shot that I thought they stole it from me. This was taken back in Matthiessen State Park near Starved Rock. Cool place to hike. The crossed trees, I am told, are no longer there as a storm washed them away. Strange that Chicago Magazine puts a scene on their cover to promote travel to state parks when the view they show no longer exists. Here is the shot that I thought for a moment that Chicago Magazine took from me. They are close but not the same. My shots are from back in 2010 with a long exposure to get the silky water and whirlpool effect below the falls.