Saturday, March 12, 2022

Stepping Up my Birding Game


With the recent purchase of the Z9 and a new telephoto lens, I feel like it is time to step up my birding game. Mostly, this winter I have been shooting through the window on our kitchen door and that doesn't make for a sharp shot. Long lens, hand held, fast little birds and a window---not a great combo. So, I sneaked outside and got some nice sharp shots with the new camera and lens and I got a visit from a new bird as a present, seen below. A Song Sparrow decided to stop by for the first time last week and I got him nice and sharp today. The Common Redpolls above, are a winter bird and should be packing up and heading back north soon. That's a good thing as they are eating me out of house and home. I get 30 to 35 at a time and they are none stop feeders all day long. I will miss them when they are gone. I hear they only come down every couple of years. Pretty bird with a red chest and red spot on their head. I like the Song Sparrow as well. Nice streaking and race track features on this little brown bird.