In my travels in the past month, I caught many birds on camera I had never seen before, as I was in south Texas near the Mexican/US border and these birds don't travel much further north that than in their range. A lot of them happen to have yellow in the mix of colors. So, here are a couple of yellow (and orange) birds caught on camera in November. The Brown Jay, below (well, it has a yellow beak and feet), is rare in Texas. There are only 7 of them known to be in the US and we saw all seven, as one family seems to have relocated to south Texas. They are quite common 100 miles south in Mexico. The Brown Jays consistently show up on the rare ABA bird alert (yes, there is such a thing) but they are living on private property so not seen very often. We were able to get access to the property and find the birds. Quite the trip with 23 new bird species added to my list.