Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Morning and the annual Christmas pj shot

I've learned, over the years to build up to the Christmas pj shot so everything is set up and ready to go when the family is ready to take the shot. Worst thing you can do as a photographer is to fiddle with the camera and settings when groups are ready for their shots. In these instances, it is good to have grandkids at hand to sit in to get the lighting and focus all checked out. Then you have two shots for the price of one. Just love these grandkids beyond words. Once we are all set, the family comes in and bang!!! Got the shot in a few takes. After several years of doing this, everyone knows their role. Nina's wedding photographer commented on how well we naturally fall into a family group shot. She didn't have to repose us at all. That is because we practice at least once a year, if not more. You want to be good at posing? Takes practice. Love this family and love to all.