Sunday, September 13, 2020

Coming to a feeder near you


Not here in Illinois yet as far as I know but this little fellow was caught on camera by me back in April in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tenessee. I wasn't really birding then but I saw this bird and didn't know what it was so I took a picture. Looked it up this morning and see that it is called a Dark-Eyed Junco, a visitor to Illinois starting in the fall. Tends to hang around the ground under feeders so I might get to see one at some point in the backyard. For now, I am "birding" through my back catalog to see what I have captured over the years on camera and I can now go identify. Hard to take a picture of a grey bird on grey stones but was able to catch this shot nevertheless. I was probably resting on some of the hikes that Michael Jr was dragging me on. So, help me out and be on the lookout for some little grey birds. Now that you know what to look for, these should be easy to see and no other birds really have this all grey/black top and white belly look so they should be easy to see. Good luck.