Sunday, September 20, 2020

Penetrating Stare


Our friendly neighborhood Cooper's Hawk has found the desert bar in the Davern backyard. Michael Jr saw this guy take one of our birds out earlier in the week and he almost got one with me out there today. He didn't get his treat but hung around long enough for me to get a shot. Those are some penetrating eyes. I am thinking he is pretty pissed off at me right here. If you are a little bird, those eyes have to be in your worst nightmare. That is a penetrating stare. Goes right through you. Well, I heard if you put up a bird feeder you will get hawks coming around. They were not kidding. This thing came out of nowhere. With so many birds around, it is amazing they can get anywhere near the feeder without being seen but that was the case. Impressive. 

Nice range of motion in his neck. Very important to look all around you without moving. Any movement gives away your location.