Thursday, December 24, 2020

Cooper's Hawk in the mix


This Cooper's Hawk with his dramatic coloration made several stops to the Davern food fest and got at least one, probably two Mourning Dove's over the summer. I happened to see this kill out of the corner of my eye. You don't want to mess with this hawk if you are bird sized. They tell you to keep the feeders near trees to give birds cover but then the squirrels can make the leap from tree branch to bird feeder. I found a compromise but not close enough to give this bird cover. Anyway, got to see nature in beak and claw. I was lucky that Cheryl wasn't around. She would have made me scare the hawk away after the kill and that would have just put another bird in his/her sights. Anyway, got a decent shot. I really like the dramatic coloring in the bird's plum, especially in his pajama bottoms. Good enough for Shot of the Year? Probably not, but a good shot nevertheless.