Friday, December 11, 2020

Valley of Fire--2020 5 Star


Usually around this time of the year I sit down and go through my photo catalog and look for my favorite shots of the year. This year, it is going to be difficult as I have some nice shots but they are all of birds and from the few trips I took this year, two of them to the Great Smokies. I am going to have a lot of similar shots. It is what it is. Each year, it should be more difficult to find to find what I call "5 Star" shots--the one's that I like best from the year and that are worthy to put up as my standard of work. Standards should get higher as your photography improves. It is supposed to get harder and harder to top previous year's shots. Minor inconveniences in a world that is upside down. I like this shot from the Valley Of Fire that I visited in February. Such blues and reds and washed out greens. I bounced this shot between a 4 and a 5 Star as I am not sure I like the deep shadow running through the foreground. Yet, this is in the middle of the morning and shadows were already getting quite harsh. I can't imagine how hot this area would be in mid-July, as I visited the area in pre-Covid February. Anyway, love the colors and I am keeping it (for now) in the 5 star category.