Friday, January 12, 2018

Best of List--Number 18--2017 Solar Eclipse

This shot, number 18 of my top 20, was 8 years in the making. Ever since Stephie and I were fortunate to get under the moon's shadow in Beijing in 2009, we have been looking forward to experiencing another one. The 2017 event was circled on the calendar for many years and when I learned that my cousin's property was only 2 arc seconds from the longest eclipse spot in the United State and right on the centerline, I knew where we had to be. What a fun event, made even better with lots of family and friends around. I was lucky to get a good capture as I was trying to enjoy the eclipse as much as photograph it. We were so lucky in the weather (although hot) but that also made the experience of feeling the temperature change as the eclipse approached. Those who have been fortunate to be able to stand under the sun's shadow know that a solar eclipse is more than a "seeing" event. It is a whole body, every sensory experience. You see a 360 degree sunrise. You feel the wind shift. You feel the temperature change. You see "shadow bands" as the light changes. You see planets near the sun. You hear birds go to roost. All of these happen in the minutes you have under the shadow. Can't wait to see another one. The easiest date cuts through my cousin's property once again, in 2024. Sign me up and I hope you can see it as well.