Sunday, January 14, 2018

Best of List--Number 20--Oregon Coast

This is the final shot of my top 20 shots in chronological order and it is also a very recent shot from Michael's and my December trip to the Oregon Coast. We caught the sunrise burning off the fog along the coast not too far from Astoria, Oregon, although I think it is foggy there quite a bit. It was fun putting this list together and I am not sure that all of these shots will stay on the list over the course of this year. A top 20 list, if you keep shooting, changes all the time. New favorite shots come in and have to fight to replace older shots and, occasionally, you find an old shot that speaks to you in different ways and you might make a change. For example, the shot of Michael in the Narrows at Zion (number 17) is in danger of falling off of the list as I don't have Michael in focus in that shot. I like the shot a lot but it is not technically perfect. I almost bumped it from the list but on Facebook or in Blogger, you are not printing it up to a huge size so the imperfection isn't noticeable. But, I know it is not perfect and to be on the top 20 and stay there, it has to stand as one of my best shots. I like that shot, but it has to fight for its spot. So, we will see what comes in over the year. Enjoy your top 20 and for those of you who are photographers, keep shooting.