Monday, June 8, 2020

Bryce Canyon NP--where chess pieces come from

Whenever I look at my old pictures of Bryce Canyon from our trip back in 2017, I always think of chess pieces. The pawns, bishops and rooks are all there. Plus lots of pieces that could be made into Kings and Queens. Don't see any knights, but the rest of the pieces are all there. So far, my favorite national park with a lot more to go. It is just so different. Like you are on another planet.

For 2020, I just got done drawing up the plans for a 2 week trip this September to 4 national parks, hitting Theodore Roosevelt, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and the Badlands. I am going to save my vacation time this summer to string 2 weeks in a row. We would hit the towns of Medora, West Yellowstone, Jackson and Cody--all places that I have read about and look forward to visiting. Should be a fun trip with lots of photographic possibilities.