Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Shots of the Year for 2021


December is always a favorite time of the year as I go through my catalog of shots to see if I have anything I can put in my all-time favorite folder. I limit that folder to 100 shots so something from 2021 has to be better than anything I have taken since I started taking digital pictures back in 2004. Of the 15 shots of the year for 2021, I have about 8-10 that I want to try to include in my all-time favorites list. That is hard because I have to find 8-10 shots to kick out of the portfolio to make room for these new shots. Tough to do. Considering that I didn't travel much, finding 10 portfolio worthy shots is pretty good. Helps that I was able to hit Yellowstone and the Tetons. Lot of portfolio worthy opportunities in that part of the country. 

This shot is from January that I took while on a bike ride on Anna Marie Island near Cortez, Florida. It hits on my shots of the year list as this overhead shot really brings in the feeling of Florida, for me at least.