Saturday, January 15, 2022

January is for the Birds #10: American Goldfinch


This is my Covid bird. When I started working in the backyard in the spring of 2020, I would see these around a little bit here and there and that is when I went to get a feeder. I wanted to see more of these beautiful yellow birds. Now, I have American Goldfinches around everywhere, everyday in the back yard. They are by far the most common bird at the feeders. Had at least a dozen visiting at the same time this morning. It was quite the feeding frenzy. I often wondered why they were so yellow/gold. It makes them so visible to predators. That may be true in my backyard, but in the prairie, where they normally hang out, you can see that they can blend in much better like this shot taken in the fall of 2020. In the winter, such as now, the colors get muted. I will post a winter shot later this month. The chest becomes much less colorful, as the prairie also turns to browns and grey. Anyway, I have to love this little bird as it got me into birding. So, it remains one of my favorites.