Saturday, January 29, 2022

January is for the Birds #18: Just a Little Thing


Just a little thing. I finally got a picture, this morning, of a Red-Breasted Nuthatch. I have caught a glimpse of one here or there, but never been quick enough to get a picture. The vast majority of the Nuthatches that visited were of the white-breasted variety (see below). Same bird. Just no red. I didn't even know that the red version was a separate species as they look so similar. Finally, today, at the tail end of the January is for Birds month, I get a shot of this elusive visitor. Usually, I would get a visit and by the time I grab a camera, even if it is right there, the Nuthatch is gone and doesn't come back for the day. Well, I was prepared today and got the shot. So, a little thing but now I have documented 22 species that have visited the backyard. Pretty cool.