Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Birds of the Year: Second 10


One of the best (and luckiest) experiences of the year was seeing the Sandhill Cranes in the Platte River area of Nebraska this spring take off in the morning for their long flight back to Canada. I was on a road trip to Denver for work and was able to drive through Nebraska at the right time of the year. I think I was a little late on the timing as most of the cranes had already headed north earlier in the week, but it was close enough. The rest of this second group of shots were also from points east and west, except for the American Goldfinch and the Grey Catbird, both of which I shot in Springbrook Prairie near my home. The Rock Wren came from Arches NP in Utah and the rest on a birding trip to Cape May, New Jersey, which was a lot of fun.