Friday, December 6, 2019

Fall Color, Spanish Moss and Blue Water all on the Oregon Coast

According to most guidebooks Silver Falls in any other state would be a national park. However, in Oregon it is just a state park and an amazing one at that. You were supposed to be able to do all 10 Falls in one day but I found that hiking up and down to each falls really takes a lot of time so I was only able to get to 3 of the falls in the half day that I was there. Great hike and well worth the drive from Portland to check out the area. This view brings in some fall color and some classic Spanish moss on the trees (which is not really a moss but that's the name), which is just everywhere in the Pacific rain forests along the coasts. 

I'm adding a second shot of these same falls as I will never get through all of my favorite shots of this hike doing this one day at a time!!! So, here is another view that I like: