Saturday, December 14, 2019

Shots of the Year-- Red Rocks in Snow

I got to visit the Red Rocks area twice on a week long trip to Las Vegas in March. The first trip caught the last of the snow in the area. As you can see, the mix of colors aren't red in this area, these are mostly older, yellow rocks. The reddish rocks are younger but in many places they have been pushed up over the older rocks. I got 6 or 7 decent shots in this area that are in my 5 star collection for 2019. Hard to take a bad shot when you have such beauty in front of you. The trick is to try to find a shot that tells a story since the camera limits the field of view to a great extent. Here the story is still about color. The white snow, blue sky, yellow rocks, green trees and a little red on the lower bottom rocks all give an interesting perspective to the majestic rise of the hill in the muted afternoon light. The rise in the hill just says "power" to me. Such amazing force must have worked to push those rocks up. So, this is one of my favs for the year.