Friday, December 13, 2019

Shots of the Year--Sagurao National Park

This is the time of the year when I try to clean up my photography portfolio and see if I have any 5 star shots taken during the course of the year. Getting harder to find 5 stars as you want to add shots that are only your absolute best. I like this one taken way back in January of last year at Sagurao National Park in Tucson. It is a good representation of the park with lots of the types of vegetation that you find while walking around. I got to three national parks this year (the Everglades and Cuyahoga National Park in Ohio being the other two). Not a bad year for National Park travel.  Sugarao is actually two parks, one on each side of Tucson so maybe that should count for more? Anyway, love the colors and the mountains in the background so this is a winner, at least for me. Imagine trying to walk through that if there were no paths around? No thank you. Glad we saved these old Sagurao trees as they grow very slowly and live a long, long time.