Tuesday, April 28, 2020

China Throwback

Back in 2009, I brought Stephie along with me on to a trip to China to see a solar eclipse on the outskirts of Beijing. I burned a lot of United miles on that trip but it was worth it. The trick for these solar eclipse trips is to go to somewhere exotic so that if the eclipse gets clouded out (which almost happened on our trip) you still got your money's worth discovering a new place to visit. I initially tried to get Cheryl to go but she didn't care for the itinerary as the trip involved a lot of things that are not high on Cheryl's list of things to do: like travel to exotic lands, eat strange foods, suffer through a solar eclipse, travel on a bus full of tourists for a week and endure a long plane ride (twice). Stephie was in the kitchen when we discussed the trip and volunteered to go in Cheryl's place. So, she got to go and I didn't get in trouble for going by myself. It was cultural training for Stephie!!! Photographic opportunities were everywhere, which is how it feels when you are in a different culture. As I have been going through my catalog cleaning out old shots during this time of social isolation, I keep coming across wonderful memories of these fantastic sights.

Here is how I would edit the shot today:

Just straightened it out and opened the shadows a slight touch.