Monday, April 13, 2020

Landscape Challenge with Sandhill Cranes and Grazing Deers

This photo has to rank as the most expensive shot I have ever taken!!! That is because back in 2011, I rented a Nikon 600mm f4.0 lens, which retails for around $10,000, a lens that is just about as large as a decent sized telescope, and equally expensive. What a fun weekend. It only cost $125 to rent so it was money well spent. I was able to get several shots added to my best shot collection. To get this shot, my buddy Bill and I went to a field in northern Indiana where Sandhill Cranes are known to rest on the way to Florida. These birds, while large in size, are quite far away, are maybe around a half mile but still are quite large in the frame due to the size of the lens I am using to capture them. With the small aperture, I was able to get the birds sharp and background blurred, so much so that you can barely make out some deer grazing in the background. Anyway, really like this shot as it is always hard to get birds in flight sharp and large enough to fill the frame.