Monday, April 6, 2020

Landscape Challenge--Martha's Vineyard

I'm not totally sure that this shot gives off a feeling of calmness as there is a lot going on in this shot-- but I like it anyway. Obviously, I used a filter here as the shot looked a bit like a painting from the start. The original is posted below. Which do you like better? I rated the original higher than this edited version but I like them both. This was from a great trip that Cheryl and I took for our 30th anniversary to Martha's Vineyard. Right now, I would like to take a trip just down the block without worry. But this too, shall pass.

The original here below is a bit of a mess of a shot. I was pointing into the sun and the lens was a bit fogged up from coming out of air conditioning to the beach area, which was quite warm already, even as the sun was rising. Anyway, that is why I originally turned to a filter to fix the shot. Today, I look at the original and I kinda like it as well. Anyway, you decide. Filter or no?